Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Language of Chokkan

Today we are going to discuss the Varna system. All these concept should be seen from a Brahma Gnani's mind, because he is the Shuka who can see the past, present and future so he is called "ShukaBrahma". We need to travel back in time to look at how this Varna system was designed. Why you need a system like Varna? Is it a Caste system? What are the difference between Caste and Varna system? Today this is a political theme to run politics. Leaders play a divide and play policy. There are 2 kinds of people who follow the practices by Manu script. People who merely follow the practice (A) and People who want to understand and live according to the principle said (B). So there are 2 kinds of people A and B clause. 'A' clause can be easily diverted, converted and misdirected. 'B' clause can not be converted or diverted he just play a role and move on. Now 'A' clause is majority people living and have the voice to say anything to public. This clause 'B' is totally clear about what is going on and plays a passive role to the public. So their voice are not heard even though they are correct in their perspective. These are just fundamental principle of the human kind when they live under a Ruler(Dictator) or Political system (Democracy) or in group of people (Socialism). There will be two groups fighting for the Chair. In this fight 'A' will win for 100 years and 'B' will win for next 100 years and this will continue to change for ever in this system. A = Asura and B = Bhairavaa When we say this then One becomes GoRaBhairavaa and other AgoRaBhairavaa. This is just a fight between to two principle of mind. One is Good and another is Bad. This happens inside the mind a fight between the good thoughts and bad thoughts this happens for everyone. A constant fight between good and evil is a non stop thing that is happening when the mind is looking outside world. When we turn this outside looking mind and look for a solution inside then one starts the journey towards the "Chokkan" the hanging lamp without oil or thread. This is the journey everyone need to take.

There was a time when there were no temples on this planet and Tamils were wide spread across the global as a Global civilization. People saw these 'A' and 'B' as just principle that cannot be stop, the fight between Asuras and Devas never ends. Clan heads decided to investigate on what is happening inside the body and mind when one closes the eye and think, Since outer world is easy understood by anyone. Many in the Clan wanted to take it as a challenge and know what is happening inside. Lot of a people started to look inside the body and mind. Days went, months went. years went, nothing was found.  Few Clans started documenting their experiences and gave to the next generation so that the search continues. Many Clans see common principle between each clan and all were not sure about the start and end of the Universe and also start and end of the mind. There is no start and end for the Universe and mind but they both exists without any doubt. Clans started teaching these principles to next generation so other don't have to start from scratch.
So the Guru Parampara begins. One tells about this Universe and Mind to another what is the reality which exists always no matter whoever see this it is all same principle. The Clans had their own document which they follow and these documents are different from each other clans in terms of the achieving the same common goal The Darshan of Chokkan. Slowly the Clans had lot of knowledged persons and there were fight between who is big and what is correct? Then a Time came so that all the Clan heads decided to come to a common platform with their document. All Clan heads came together and brought these in terms of a common language in terms of scripts. Then they came up with language so called Tamil. Because each letter in Tamil an outer expression of inner and outer knowledge. So it is called the Language of the Chokkan who spoke to the Mankind. Everything that Tamil tells is an expression of this Universe and the Mind. Thus the 1st Tamil Sangam was formed under the common principle between the Clans document. Clans were so dedicated to see the Chokkan, they spend years to get a darshan and not all can see him without his wish. But a human being has to eat and live for the survival. So he has to sow the crop, cultivate, exchange with someone and run the family, community and Clan. So each Clan decided to divide this sow, exchange and run the community. Inside each Clan they decide to give the responsibility of sow, exchange and run the community to specific families so they keep the ball rolling (Human kind lives forever) and the Darshan of Chokkan is not disturbed for anyone in the Clan. Anyone wish to see a darshan there is no blocker, one has to follow the document of the Clan and do what has to be done to see the Chokkan. It is a pride for the Clan when one of their people gets the Darshan of Chokkan. Where is Caste here? Where is Varna here? Its just a share of responsibilities so that their Clan can win in the knowledge fight. Will a Sangam era come again? Will the Knowledge fight restart again? Varlaam Varlaam Vaa Bhairavaa Bhairavaa........

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